Japanese Movie
Sacred Site Tour

Uzumasa Area

Keifuku Line (Randen) And Toei Kyoto Studio Park Set Tickets

Keifuku Line (Randen) And Toei Kyoto Studio Park Set Tickets

A one-day open Keifuku Line ticket and Toei Kyoto Studio Park admission set ticket!

This special set ticket includes an admission ticket for Toei Kyoto Studio Park and a Randen (Keifuku Electric Railroad) one-day open ticket.
Visitors can freely tour the remains of film studios and other locations along the Randen line.

Tour Details

Price Adult 2,700 yen
Middle or High school student (12 to 18 years) 1,800 yen
Child (elementary school student/6 to 12 years) 1,350 yen
Sales period Year round
Sales locations Shijo-Omiya Station, Arashiyama Station, Katabiranotsuji Station, Kitano-Hakubaicho Station
Ticket overview and special offers Administration ticket for Toei Kyoto Studio Park and a Randen (Keifuku Electric Railroad) one-day open ticket